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Keep up with the latest on our YouTube page.
I taught a live class of home school kids once upon a time. Here are the notes and resources we used at that time.
Dev Essentials |
ResourcesAudio Tools
Audacity a killer sound editing tool Incompetech full audio tracks Abundant a weird little music generator BFXR create sound effects Freesound.org a community of sound creators LMMS a wonderful tool for composing music Learning and Support Links Game Maker Community you should sign up Let's Pixel Heartbeast teaches pixel drawing Shaun Spalding this guy is the master! No joke. DnD to GML video (Foldup Games) Where to get started coding? Right here! Drag and Drop to GML guide a great cheat sheet GM Showcase what's the latest and greatest? Drag and Drop Icons and Their Code Equivalents That resource is a good starting place for learning how to do GML (Game Maker Language) code Tutorial grab bag! Go check it out! |
Cool videos
This is a great YT channel I've just come across. The idea in this video is one to take to heart as your skills improve, but the entire channel is compelling.
How did they make old school graphics work? This more technically-minded video has the answer!
Super Mario Brothers is one of the BEST games to play and study. Here are some videos from people who get that.
Miyamoto discusses Mario level 1-1 and how he himself approached the design.
Super Mario Brothers - you can analyze this all day long and still find great stuff.
This video gets theoretical with interesting ideas about the logic you should be using when coming up with game play.
This video offers insight into Super Mario's early creation. Did you know he was going to have more combat abilities? Me neither!